
A few of my storybook favorites...

Monsters or Misunderstood?

The introduction to Monsters or Misunderstood does a phenomenal job of drawing a reader in with its   bazaar, yet relatable content. Different mythological creatures are labeled with mental illnesses based off of their personalities and actions that society has attributed to them. I am interested to read about their points of view, and why they are deemed "monsters" by others. As for the page layout of this storybook, I personally like the color theme. The colors black and blue/gray, in my opinion, fit with the mood that the creator is trying to set. The image of the so-called therapist office, on the other hand, is a little boring. I think a meme of a mythological creature would have done a better job of captivating the potential audience.

Why Do Animals Do That??

The title, itself, is enough to draw you in to this storybook. Who hasn't wondered why an animal does a certain thing? Why does a dog make circles right before they take a poop? They all do it, and it is something most people often wonder about. The introduction mentions crabs in the Philippines chasing the waves, and that is something I am very interested in reading more about in this storybook. The home page of this particular storybook is plain, but I don't think that's necessarily a negative thing. The picture used is the islands of the Philippines, and although this storybook is about Philippine animals, it is quite boring. The page's design, overall, doesn't really draw me in.

Toto's Tellings - Bedtime in Oz

"There's no place like home." We all know what movie this is from, The Wizard of OZ, in which pig-tailed Dorothy's adventure back home is told. However, this storybook is a little different than Dorothy's. This storybook is comprised of separate stories from the views of the other three characters in Dorothy's adventure: the lion, the scarecrow, and the tin-man. Hearing the other sides of a story is always quite intriguing. Out of the three storybooks that I chose, this is the one that is the most entrancing. Visually, the page fits the theme, with its green background and font. It reminds you of the Wicked Witch of the West. Even the pictures are relevant because they are images from the actual movie.

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