
An introduction of someone who is going to make a difference...

As a little girl growing up in New Jersey, I always dreamt of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Didn't we all? I have always loved camping, fishing, playing video games, and playing softball....but those were never really things that I could make a career out of. After taking some time off of college in Florida, I was lost and confused. Some crazy part of me that I didn't know existed persuaded me to join the Air Force. That's when my life took a turn. I was stripped away from my friends and family, and turned into some military robot. Before I knew it, I was thrown into Texas doing maintenance on bomber aircraft, something I never had imagined I would be doing. Suddenly, "yes sir," and "no ma'am" became a part of my vocabulary. Northerners don't say that. When I wasn't paying attention, some guy with a dorky smile and a messed up haircut bounced into my life, and one year later we were married. In the midst of my military career, I had found my passion for helping people, and decided that I wanted to be a social worker who made a difference in the lives of struggling adolescents. Five years later, I have two sons (both under two, please help), and am attending OU's social work program. I have never felt so fulfilled and happy with my life. Anyways, that's enough of the sappy stuff. Here are some random facts and favorites of mine:

  1. I named my 5 chickens after characters on Orange is the New Black.
  2. I hate peas.
  3. Every time Mean Girls comes on, I have to watch it.
  4. The first movie I ever cried to was The Iron Giant. 
  5. I have never watched Game of Thrones or Sons of Anarchy.
  6. I absolutely can NOT wear socks in bed.
  7. I can't swim. 
  8. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because food.
  9. When I was younger I wanted to be a professional bowler when I grew up.
  10. I love playing laser tag.
Well, I think that's enough about me. I seriously look forward to learning more about you!


  1. Hey Samantha! I also loved to fish and play video games growing up, so I relate to that for sure. That's really neat that you joined the Air Force and that life path helped you eventually meet your spouse. I know a few social workers and have heard that it can be challenging but is an extremely rewarding career field. Best of luck! Your favorites list was entertaining to read through.

  2. Hi Samantha!

    Ok based on your post, you seem like the most fun person ever! All of your facts I can relate to! When I opened up your blog and saw the picture from the Iron Giant, I knew I had to keep reading! I feel like we have a lot of similarities with loving food, and hating socks in bed. I can't wait to see more of your writing this semester!

  3. Hi Samantha! I very much enjoyed getting to know you in your introduction! It was super fun and silly to read and I found myself agreeing with several of the items on your list! I too hate peas, have never watched Game of Thrones, and love Thanksgiving. I never wanted to be a professional bowler, but I do LOVE playing (even though Im terrible at it). I've never seen the iron giant, but this blog post makes me want to watch- I'm a sucker for sappy movies!!

  4. Hi Samantha! Your list of random facts and interesting things was fun to read! I am big Game of Thrones fan, and I highly recommend watching the show if you have the opportunity! I too love Thanksgiving and sometimes it can be hard to lay off the food too! I am a Texas boy so saying "no sir" and "yes mam" is something I can relate to as well!

  5. What a great story, Samantha! I am such a fan of the OU social work program; I know it is really demanding, but that is because they are preparing you to go out there and do really hard, really important work. Wonderful! And chickens: that is something new. Maybe your flock of chickens will be characters in a story you write this semester. You never know what kind of adventures chickens, especially five chickens, might get into, given a chance! I hope you will enjoy the class, finding stories and developing some storytelling skills that will be useful in your social work career!

  6. Howdy Samantha,
    I thought that your introduction was great. There were a lot of parts that I found funny, such as the way you introduced your husband or asking for help because of the two sons under the age of five. I also liked your ten facts, those are cool. I love the iron giant, it is such a great movie. I bowled quite a bit in my past, I think I was averaging around 180 whenever I stopped. Anyways, It's nice to meet you!

  7. It's great to see that you overcame that obstacle after taking some time off school. I know college can be a lot and we all get lost now and then but seeing that you're really enjoying life is amazing. I wish I could say I've never seen an episode of game of thrones but I was forced to watch the pilot for an assignment I had to do lol. Best of luck with your program!

  8. Hey Samantha!

    First of all, the "(both under two, please help)" actually made me laugh out loud. You have my sincerest and deepest sympathies on that one. I'm so glad you've been able to shift your life and work on something that you love! Also, I love the fact that 1. you have chickens and 2. you named them after OITNB characters. I still haven't brought myself to watch the final season because I'm still in some denial about it ending. Anyways, best of luck this semester and I look forward to reading your stories!

  9. Hi Samantha! Ok I know New Jersey gets a bad rep, but my cousins live there so I have been many times, and I actually really like the state. I loved the list of facts you gave about yourself, and I gotta say - you should give Game of Thrones a chance! Its such an amazing show! Likewise, I can't do socks in bed, I just get too hot and can't fall asleep! I look forward to reading your stories!

  10. Hi Samantha!

    You have such an amazing life story. I think that it was so brave and admirable of you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and join the Air Force! I am so happy that you were able to figure out what you are passionate about. I can sort of relate to your passion, as I want to work with children and adolescents. You seem like you have such a sweet heart and a good head on your shoulders! You will be such a good social worker and have such a big impact on those whom you are able to help! I can't wait to read some of your stories!

  11. Hey there!! I love how you listed out those facts, it made me easily find what points we related on! First of all, I am obsessed with the movie Mean girls as well; I mean who isn't? It's such a good comedy that seems to never get old. Also, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because of the family time and mashed potatoes! I was curious what your favorite Thanksgiving food was?

  12. Hey Samantha! It was really cool reading about your life and what brought you to OU. I also think it's awesome that you're pursuing your degree while starting a family! I wish I could help with your kids, but I babysat once and was absolutely horrible at it. I guess I'm not the only one who has never seen Game of Thrones! To be honest, shows and movies that take place in medieval settings like that have never really been my thing. Looking forward to reading some of your stories as the semester goes on!

  13. Hi Samantha, I think it's so cool that you returned to college to pursue your passion after finding it elsewhere. I don't think a lot of people realize how helpful a gap year or two can be in helping you redefine your life goals if you're confused. Kudos to you for being able to handle higher education and all its demands with two young kids at home! Good luck in this semester and beyond!

  14. Hi Samantha! Thank you so much for sharing! I think it's great that you returned to college and are so happy where you are now! I am in awe that you have chickens named after the Orange is the New Black characters... That actually just made my day. Also, congrats to you for managing school, kids, husband, and the CHICKENS! I am impressed... Best of luck with this semester! I can't wait to read your stories!

  15. Hey Samantha!

    I really liked that you gave us 10 different things about you to help us get to know you better. I wish I had done that! I recently just started Orange is the New Black and I must say that I am in love with that show, so I think it is awesome you name chickens after some of the characters. How was living in New Jersey? I have never been there myself but whenever anyone talks about it, they say it is a dump of a state but I don’t believe that at all. I feel that there is probably os much to do and see around there. Anyway, I hope you have a great semester!

  16. Hello Samantha!

    This might be one of the most intuitive introductions I have read so far! What a unique way to tell us more about yourself. These 10 points really showcased who you are in a very unique way. I might develop my own 10 things about me story that I can tell when introducing myself to a group of people from now on. Very interesting!

  17. Hey Samantha!
    I think you have a great story! I have also found myself taking time off of college and I know the feeling of feeling lost in the world. I think its great that you took control of your life and figured out what you want to spend your days on this earth doing. The Iron Giant was one of my favorite movies as a kid! I've never seen Sons of Anarchy either but Game of Thrones was a great watch for the most part.

  18. Hello Samantha!! I hope that you are enjoying Oklahoma!! New Jersey is just a tad bit different than here. Thank you for your service and it sounds like you have a really cool life coming for you. There is so much opportunity for someone with a mindset that you have, and I am glad to see someone with that mindset. I hope your semester is going well!!

  19. Hi Samantha!
    One of my really good friends it from New Jersey! I also related to your love for Mean Girls. But, how have you never seen Game of Thrones? It truly is one of the best shows ever. However, if that time period is not your cup of tea, I suggest you give Westworld on HBO a try, its futuristic, if your into that more than the medieval time period.

  20. Hey Samantha!
    My dad retired from the navy after 20 years (when I was 16), but I grew up mostly in Seattle. So, I really relate to the weird "yes ma'am and yes sir" vocabulary despite the hometown. Its so hard to explain, but its worth it because you relate to more people!

  21. Hi Samantha!
    First off thank you for your service! I love Mean Girls with all of my heart. It is such a classic movie! I am not a huge movie watcher, but I can always find time for that one. I get really distracted during long movies so I prefer short shows like Game of Thrones. It is kinda intense, but it has great character development.

  22. Hi Samantha, after reading how you named your five chickens after orange is the new black, I am convinced that you are probably one of the coolest people that I have gotten to read about. I stopped reading your introduction after seeing that line actually and am laughing in real life. I hope you have a great semester and I look forward to reading your story!

  23. Hey Samantha!
    It was so wonderful reading about your journey and all the twists and turns it has taken! I love the fun facts you shared, and the fact that you named your chickens after Orange is the New Black characters! I also love Thanksgiving because of how it gives us time to pause and share yummy food with loved ones. As a northerner myself (I'm originally from Maryland) the language of ma'am and sir was also very foreign to me when I came to Oklahoma for college. I'm always amazed by the ability of moms to balance childcare with school and work obligations, and I applaud you!

  24. Hi Samantha!
    I was an army brat and raised in the south so when I visit family up north they are always surprised at the "Yes, ma'am." "Yes, sir." It also took me a while to stop expecting the 5 pm bugle call every night. I completely agree about the sock thing, but I also can't sleep if my feet are not under blankets. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving also, partly because every couple of years, it's the same day as my birthday.
    It was lovely meeting you!

  25. Hi Samantha,

    I'm happy to hear that you found your path in life. I can related because it's also taken me a while to find my path. That's funny you used to want to be a professional bowler because I kind of did too. Back in high school my average was in the 180's and I would go to different cities to play in tournaments. It was nice to get to know you and have a good semester!

  26. Hey Samantha! I loved reading your introduction, it was awesome to get a small peek into your life. That is so sweet that you have two kids, I'm sure that is a really busy life. My sister is in OU's MSW at OU Tulsa and she absolutely loves it. I can't wait to keep up with your blog for the rest of the semester.
